The studies that we offer you aim to characterize a place (place of life, place of work, place of leisure) with regard to health, comfort and perfect well-being. They allow detailed knowledge of the location studied in order to improve a situation. These studies are part of the HEALTHY HABITAT, that is to say, the place that does not harm the health of the occupants. These studies can be triggered ....
Whether as part of a construction, renovation or development project, with a view to domestic or professional use, sound advice in healthy housing will make it possible to design the project with regard to well-being and the health of the occupants. These wise advices can help you in the choice of location or orientation of the construction, but also in the ...
Geobiology training is aimed at anyone wishing to better understand the environment around us and more precisely the home environment. This training is intended for people wishing to practice geobiology professionally, whether as a single activity or as a complement to a health activity (therapists, magnetizers, ...) or inherent to ...